Role Playing Game Day

Game Masters Registrations

We are happy to partner once again with GECo for our 4th instalment of the Role Playing Game Day. Multiple tables will be available during a Saturday of dice rolling.

Run your adventure

We are planning for a Saturday full of dice rolling. Our previous ETH RPG days have always sold out so expect more of the same. This means we need a lot of motivated GMs to run games. Here is some important information for you to know…


Every participants get a chance to win one of a few prizes through a raffle. Game Masters get double the chances of winning.

As many tables

We will have as many tables as we have GMs.
That’s a lot of dice rolling.

Played online

This year, we’ll play online with a great tool called where all the tables will be visible and players can join their GM at their virtual table and join the announcement area when the giveaway raffle happens.

Get your players on Discord

Please make sure your players are joining your Discord channel. You can check with Hyperion by using the command @hyperion list players to see who’s missing.


Pre-made characters

Due to the amount of players planned, it’s easier if you plan for pre-made characters. You can always ask players to create their characters in advance on Discord but we won’t have D&D Beyond links provided for these games.